St Michael and All Angels' Church with St Eadburgha's Church, Broadway, St John the Baptist Church, Wickhamford
& St Mary's Church, Childswickham
Broadway PCC Appeal
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are St Michael's and St Eadburgha's holding this appeal?
We are holding an appeal because we are really struggling to pay our way. We've been in talks with the Diocese and haven't been able to pay our
parish share at all in 2020 and have struggled for the last few years to pay our way in full. This has an impact on not only what we can offer (such as a full time Vicar, which would have an impact on services including Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals). The Diocese cannot subsidise us or allow us not to pay any more.
What is Parish Share?
Parish Share is the amount the Diocese asks each parish to pay, to support the mission and ministry of the Church (including paying for a vicar). It’s worked out by the Diocese so that it is a fair amount between all the different parishes in the whole Diocese.
How are costs of ministry allocated by the diocese?
Parish share pays for ministry in our diocese - basically for the cost of a stipendiary (full-time, paid) minister. The Diocese produced a document explaining Parish Share in 2017 - Click here.
I thought the Church of England was rich....?
Yes...Whilst the Church of England does have assets, a lot of it is tied up in pensions and glebe land which they cannot touch. Our Diocesan Secretary give regular updates on how we are doing - click here for the latest update.
Is a one off donation enough?
We do thank you for considering donating to us whether it is a regular or one off donation. We really need to be able to pay our way each and every year. The Parish Giving Scheme is for anyone who would like to make a regular donation, monthly or annually. The Diocese also have information on the Parish Giving Scheme. You can download a form here.
What are the running costs of St Michael's and St Eadburgha's Churches?
Here you can see our Income and Expenditure for 2020.
Income Total: £54,707 Expenditure Total: £47,400 (£109,400 if we include Parish Share which we should have paid this year)
If you wish to compare to a previous year we produced an Accounts Leaflet in 2017 explaining our shortfall and how concerned we were as a PCC
at the time. The Accounts leaflet shows we've had some issues for some time and Covid-19 has only exacerbated the issue we were trying to resolve.
We have no reserves to call upon to bridge the gap between income and expenditure and even if we paid no other expenses, with the current level of income we still cannot meet our Parish Share commitment to the Diocese.
Are you trying to reduce your expenditure?
Yes we are trying to cut down our costs, we've also furloughed the staff (admin / organist / cleaner) and are in consultation with them at the moment.
What happened to the Grapevine Magazine?
Unfortunately we've stopped producing the Grapevine Magazine for now. Partly because there is a new Broadway Magazine which is excellent and partly because it wasn't cost effective to produce any more for the amount of people who wished to receive it. Also during the pandemic we couldn't deliver it and people didn't wish to receive the online version.
Why does this involve me....I don't go to church?
The Church of England and its churches are there for everyone whether you attend worship or not. Our churches belong to the village and the Vicar has 'Cure of Souls' for everyone in the village - for all faiths and those with none. Both of our Village churches are yours and are there for you whether you wish to use them or not - it's all part of being the state church.
Won't this get better once Covid-19 is over - you were all right before?
Unfortunately it won't get better once the pandemic is over.
We have been struggling for the last few years to pay our way and we cannot carry on like this.
Can I give practical help such as gardening?
Yes that would be wonderful if people would help clean or maintain our churches. Just get in touch with Rev Shellie email / phone and let her know what you are offering.
Also if you wish to fundraise in any way we would be grateful.
How you can help?
We would be incredibly grateful if you would consider donating. There are various ways in which you can do this - donations can be made by:
Join the Parish Giving Scheme - the Parish Giving Scheme is for anyone who would like to make a regular donation, monthly or annually
Send a donation via the ‘Donate to our churches’ button (Gift Aid included).
Cash* - in an envelope marked ‘Broadway PCC Urgent Appeal’ posted to c/o The Vicarage, Church Street, Broadway WR12 7AE.
Cheque* - payable to ‘Broadway PCC’.
Online Banking Payment* - ‘Parochial Church Council Broadway’
Sort code: 40-20-27 Account number: 21330268
To DONATE please click on this button (Card Payments)
Donate Here
*If you would like to gift aid with your donation it allows us to claim back tax from the government increasing the value of your donation by 25%.
If you would like to discuss anything or have any fundraising ideas please contact
Revd Shellie Ward (email or 01386 852352 or 07780002565),
Kevin Beasley (email or 01386 858672)